The Benefits of Wellness Programs For Employees
“With a recognition-led wellness program, employees are up to 90% less likely to report being burned out at work "always" or "very often” and as much as 2x as likely to evaluate their lives and futures positively. Employees who are burned out much or all of the time don't bring their best to work.” 27 Oct 2022

The tides have shifted over the last decade and employers are now very concerned about the well-being of their staff. When the 2020 pandemic hit and everyday life was disrupted, caring for each other became a top priority and as a result, many companies started offering their employees even more benefits. Employers offered online classes and wellness seminars, health insurance, counseling & meditation, financial planning and more flexible working environments to assist them.
This drive to look after staff will continue into the near future and beyond. Employers will continue to ensure their employees enjoy a better, healthy and more supportive work environment. Having any kind of wellness program embedded in a company is a win-win for all involved. Employers benefit from a more motivated and happy workforce and employees feel cared for by the organization.
What is a wellness program?
Any type of activity organized in the workplace to promote the health, wellness and the physical or mental fitness of employees is considered a wellness program. In addition to fitness programs, health screenings, and preventative care, wellness programs could include:
Stress management & resilience training
Counseling and mediation services
Programs that promote fitness
Financial Planning
Nutrition Seminars
Why is employee wellness essential?
“87% of employees consider health and wellness offerings when choosing an employer”
According to a study, approximately 20% of happy and healthy employees are more productive during their working hours. Healthcare costs and absenteeism can also be reduced through wellness programs. Moreover, the well-being and productivity of workers can also be improved through mental health interventions like counseling and meditation services.
Benefits of introducing employee wellness programs.
Low work-stress levels
Stress reduction is a significant benefit of employee wellness programs. Stress drastically affects team productivity, which is the leading cause of illness and decreased job performance. Stress can quickly take a toll on the well-being of employees, so offering stress management programs at a workplace can benefit both the workers and the company.
Higher productivity
Introducing an employee wellness program can help workers stay healthy and fit, thus leading to higher productivity at work. Having yoga and fitness classes on-site will result in the employees leading a healthier lifestyle, with minimum sick and injury leave and better life quality.
Employee retention
“Employees who lack a strong sense of belonging are up to 12x as likely to be disengaged and 5x as likely to be looking for another job.”
A company's happy corporate culture reduces the likelihood of employees leaving and going job hunting. Retaining talent ultimately comes down to investing in corporate wellness. Employees who want to stay and grow professionally are attracted to companies that offer wellness programs.
Employees who are provided with tools for maintaining good health will be able to deal with whatever curve-balls life throws at them. Frequent conflicts at work may lead to higher stress and negativity. An employee wellness program will educate the workers about stress management and resilience before it becomes a significant cause of resignations and quitting jobs.
Better workplace experience
An optimistic attitude toward work is more likely to be displayed by employees whose employers value and support them. Their morale will naturally increase if they feel confident about their jobs, leading to higher employee satisfaction. When employees enjoy their jobs, they are happier overall, which makes them more likely to stay in a company.
Corporate wellness programs exist partly to motivate and reward employees for a more productive output when they are healthy, active, and well-rounded. A company's own protection is also provided by the programs. An organization's bottom line benefits from healthy employees since they are more productive. As a result, healthier workers are less likely to take sick days or be ill. In addition to protecting the business and the individual employees' well-being, wellness programs benefit employers and employees.
There is a tremendous amount of research supporting employee wellness programs. Therefore, implementing these programs into your business will give your company a competitive edge and retain good employees in the current job market.
Have a look at our online and on-site wellness services or contact & for more detailed information.
Anon, (n.d.). 21 Employee Wellness Statistics [2022]: Facts On Workplace Wellness Program Efficacy – Zippia. [online] Available at: (n.d.). 20 Impactful Workplace Wellness Statistics in [2023]. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jan. 2023].